AMTA Board Position Descriptions

All board members have the responsibilities listed below. Members-At-Large hold 3-year terms. Additional responsibilities for other board members are listed under the position’s title.

Board Duties and Responsibilities:

  1. Attend and prepare for meetings by reviewing the materials provided and bringing them to the meeting.
  2. Know the AMTA  mission, vision and values and use them to shape and prioritize the activities of the organization. Participate in their refinement as necessary.
  3. With the Executive Officer, develop a long-range strategic plan and review progress against the plan on a regular basis.
  4. Review and approve the annual budget based on the strategic plan, oversee AMTA’s finances and make key financial decisions.
  5. Hire the Executive Officer and evaluate his/her performance annually.
  6. Advocate for AMTA’s mission and activities in outside forums frequently.
  7. Work collegially with fellow Executive Board members and the Executive Officer to advance AMTA’s mission and activities.
  8. Participate in the appraisal of Executive Board performance and one’s own performance as a board member.

Expected Conduct at Meetings:

  1. Conduct yourself in a conversational, non-confrontational manner at meetings.
  2. Maintain confidentiality of committee and board work when necessary.
  3. Support and comply with AMTA’s policies for conducting business and work toward their betterment when appropriate.
  4. Be willing to volunteer to serve on committees or task forces as an active and involved participant.

Ambassador and Fundraising Role:

  1. Stay informed about AMTA’s activities, larger issues in the educational arena and AMTA’s connection to the larger educational community through active participation within AMTA and outside it.
  2. Reach into communities to which you have access to help identify and cultivate relationships to support AMTA as donors, volunteers, educators, or advocates.
  3. Give an annual financial contribution to the best of your ability as part of achieving 100% participation of the Executive Board to demonstrate commitment to outside funders.
  4. Participate in fundraising.


  1. Inform the Board of any potential conflicts of interest and abide by the Board’s decision related to the conflict. Complete the conflict of interest statement each year.

Vice-President- To assure leadership continuity for AMTA, the Vice President makes a four-year commitment to serve one year each in the roles of Vice President, President-Elect, President and Past President.

Job Description

  1. Be prepared to stand in for the President-Elect when s/he is unable to perform her/his duties.
  2. Work with the President-Elect and the Executive Officer to plan the Modeler’s retreat.
  3. Serve as a sounding board for the President and Executive Officer.

President –Elect Job Description

  1. Keep current on issues and pending decisions concerning AMTA and the board.
  2. Provide insight and advice to the current President.
  3. During the last three months of the term, before assuming the President position, work with the current President and the Executive Officer to formulate meeting agendas and discuss issues.
  4. With the Vice-President and the Executive Officer, plan the Modeler’s retreat.

President Job Description


  1. Work with the Executive Officer and the Executive Board to determine the top priorities for the year, based on the strategic plan, and keep the focus on achieving them.
  2. Make sure the committee structure serves the needs of AMTA, recruit effective committee chairs, and follow up with them actively between board meetings in coordination with board members in the presidential cycle.
  3. Work with the Executive Officer to organize the agendas of Executive Board meetings to focus on the top strategic and policy issues needing a board decision.
  4. Involve board members in decision-making.
  5. Communicate with board members between meetings as needed.
  6. Plan regular meetings with the Executive Officer to discuss current plans, issues and activities and monitor progress.
  7. Lead the 100% giving campaign within the Board.

Operating Responsibilities:

  1. Work with the Executive Officer to establish the calendar.
  2. Work with the Executive Officer to develop executive board meeting agendas.
  3. With Executive Board approval, appoint committees and their chairs that are required to further AMTA’s work.
  4. Make sure an annual review and update of the strategic plan is part of the board’s work.
  5. Support the Past-President as he/she assembles the nominating committee to nominate officers and board members-at-large in time for the annual meeting. Board evaluation should also coincide with the nominating committee’s efforts.
  6. Organize and lead a task force to evaluate the Executive Officer.
  7. Support the Vice-President and President-Elect in the timely planning of the Modeler’s retreat.

Past -President- is the last of a four-year presidential sequence (Vice president, President elect, President, Past-President)

Job Description

  1. Be prepared to stand in for the Vice President when s/he is unable to perform her/his duties.
  2. Assemble the nominating committee with the support of the Executive Officer  to nominate officers and board members-at-large in time for the annual meeting.
  3. Serve as a sounding board for the President and Executive Officer.

Secretary- Holds a 2-year term.

Job Description

  1. Record the proceedings of Executive Board meetings in the official Minutes, including the outcomes of votes taken.
  2. Submit the minutes in a timely manner for approval of the Executive Board at its next meeting and faithfully record any amendments or corrections made to them.
  3. Assure that the minutes are kept as official documents according to AMTA’s policies.
  4. Conduct any voting matters required by the Executive Board between meetings according to the by-laws.
  5. Maintain and update as needed the official board roster.
  6. Assure the production of quality AMTA newsletters during the year.
  7. Instruct the Nominating Committee as to the Executive Board positions to be filled by election, what is required for the ballot, when it must be received, and what have been past practices and customs.

Treasurer- Holds a 2-year term

Job Description

  1. Oversee all aspects of AMTA’s finances.
  2. Work with the Executive Officer to formulate the annual budget and present it to the Executive Board for approval.
  3. Work with the Executive Officer to devise monthly reports to present at Executive Board meetings.
  4. Oversee financial controls.
  5. Review financial processes with the Executive Officer annually.

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