On August 29th AMTA launched a new event: Virtual Happy Hour! Every once in a while we just need to kick back and talk with other members of “our tribe”…so once each week we’re going to open up our GoToMeeting connection and see who drops in. Grab a beverage and something to munch, sit down at your computer (or dial in on your phone and join your fellow Modelers online for an hour of conversation. No predetermined topics…we’ll talk about whatever’s on your mind.We’ll vary the day of the week we meet each week so everyone has a chance to join from time to time. We’ll announce the day on the LISTSERV. The time will always be the same: 8 PM Eastern Time, and the GoToMeeting link will always be the same: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/882761005 or you can also dial in using your phone: (872) 240-3212, access Code: 882-761-005 . We hope you can join us…BYOB!