Spring 2025  Distance Learning Courses

2025 Astronomy Modeling with ExoPlanets 

Description:  The Astronomy Modeling with Exoplanets course will give teacher participants a 45-hour distance learning experience that will ground them in the use of the Modeling Method of Instruction. This course utilizes  curriculum resources that focus on the modern-day scientific pursuit of discovering and exploring planets around other star systems: exoplanets.

Be sure to view this video ” Astronomy Modeling Instruction with Exoplanets & the Unistellar Telescope Network – AGU 2023″ by Dan Peluso
Click Here for video

Dates: Wednesdays,  4:00 – 7:00 PM. ET

January 15, 2025 – April 30, 2025

Leaders:  Kate Magary

Optional Graduate-Level credit: 3 credits available from the University of Pacific are available for $79/credit. EDUP 9354

Location:  Zoom

Scholarships Available

2025 Introduction to Modeling Instruction 

Description:  Are you tired of students just trying to get a grade and not learning science?
Using Modeling Instruction, we will develop the pedagogical framework to

  • Get students to think hard
  • Develop equitable practices in the classroom
  • Bring joy back into teaching

In our Distance Learning course, we will delve into the Modeling Cycle, its basis in cognitive science, and the practical ways that teachers use Modeling Instruction in the science classroom. This course will sample Life Sciences and Physical Sciences in order to explore the Modeling pedagogy through multiple content lenses. By utilizing both student mode and teacher mode, participants will use readings, virtual whiteboarding, discussions, and reflections to engage in Modeling practices that will lead to improved student learning.

The Distance Learning course can be taken for graduate-level credits (for an additional fee) or you may earn a professional development certificate.

Dates:  Sundays, 4:00 – 7:00 PM ET

January 5 – March 9, 2025

Leaders: Emma Mitchell and Elizabeth Burns

Cost:  $650.00

Optional Graduate-level credit: 2 credits from the University of Pacific are available for $79/credit  EDUP 9127

Location: Zoom

2025 Computational Modeling Physics First

Prerequisite:   CMPF online version is not the best way to learn Modeling Instruction for those who are learning the Modeling Instruction pedagogy for the first time.   As such, participants must have taken at least one Modeling Instruction Workshop.

CMPF-B will enable teachers to implement classroom instruction in Algebra-based Physics First courses that integrates computational Modeling ( one aspect of computational thinking) through two existing, widely used approaches:  Modeling Instruction for Physics and Bootstrap for computational modeling.

Follow this link for the Syllabus

Dates: Tuesdays,  7:00 – 10:00 PM. ET

January 21 – April 29, 2025

Leaders:  Jess Dykes and Melissa Girmscheid

Cost: $900

Optional Graduate-Level Credit: 3 credits from the University of Pacific are available for $79/c credit EDUP XXXX

Location: zoom

2025 Reimagining Energy in MS Science Using Modeling Instruction 

Description:  A 5-week distance learning course that focuses on using the Science & Engineering Practices to address Energy as a cross-cutting concept in middle school science using Modeling Instruction.


Dates:  Sundays,  4:00 – 7:00 PM ET

March 16 – April 13, 2025

Leader:  Nell Bielecki

Cost:  $350.00

Location:  Zoom

Optional Graduate-level Credit: 1 credit available through the University of Pacific for $79/credit.

Fall 2024  Distance Learning Courses

2024 Guidance for Implementation of Modeling Instruction in Physics

Prerequisite: participants must have completed at least one Modeling Instruction  Workshop

Description: This course guides teachers in implementing Physics Modeling Instruction in their classrooms. The following topics will be discussed.

Dates: Tuesdays 7:00 – 8:30 PM ET,

September 10 – November 12, 2024

Leaders: Jess Dykes and Sean Grealis

Cost: $350

Optional Graduate-level credit: 1 credit from the University of Pacific is available for $79/credit  EDUP 9118

Location: Zoom

Optional Graduate-level credit: 1 credit from the University of Pacific is available for $79/credit  EDUP 9118

Location: Zoom

2024 Guidance for Implementation of Modeling Instruction in Chemistry

Prerequisite: Participants must have taken at least one Modeling Workshop

Description: The Chemistry I workshop has teachers experience the Modeling curriculum as a student would. The chemistry follow-up workshop will direct more attention to logistical challenges, minor enhancements to teaching methods, and exploring the intended meaning behind some of the AMTA resources. We will debrief and reflect on the implementation of chemistry content for the first ten units while interleaving teaching practices that support students and the instructor. This class is ideal for teachers who have recently completed a workshop.

Class size is limited to 24 participants.

Dates: Sundays,  12-1:30 pm EST,

August 25 – October 27, 2024

Leaders: Scott Milam and Kristen Drury

Cost: $350

Optional Graduate-level credit: 1 credit from the University of Pacific is available for $79/credit  EDUP 9116

Location: Zoom

2024 Guidance For Implementation of Modeling Instruction in Biology

Prerequisite:  Participants must have completed at least one Modeling Instruction Workshop.

Description:  Are you new to Biology Modeling? Are you looking for support as you begin implementing and transitioning to Modeling Instruction? Join us this fall and collaborate and learn with other educators working in similar settings.  In addition to exploring content and phenomena-based instruction in Biology, we will explore some of the logistical challenges you are facing as you develop your modeling pedagogy.   This 15-hour course spans 10 weeks and will provide an opportunity to engage in topics of pacing, questioning, inclusion & belonging, whiteboarding, assessment, and more.  Participants will have the opportunity to engage both from the student and teacher perspectives as we reflect on how to best support students and further develop our teacher efficacy.

Dates:  Sundays, 12:00 – 1:30 PM ET

September 1, 2024 – November 10, 2024

Leader:  Tanea Hibler

Cost: $350

Optional Graduate-level credits:  1 credit from the University of Pacific is available for $79/credit  EDUP 9111

Location: Zoom

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