Teacher demand for high-quality professional development stimulated expansion of the Modeling Program into a full-blown graduate program at Arizona State University expressly designed to meet the professional development needs of physics teachers and lead to a Master of Natural Science (MNS) degree in physics teaching. The MNS program was launched in Summer 2001 with a full complement of courses for in-service teachers, including five contemporary physics and interdisciplinary courses taught by senior research faculty.
Meanwhile, teacher participants from the Phase I and II Modeling Workshops began disseminating what they learned to practicing high school teachers throughout the country. Workshops in 1st and 2nd semester Modeling Instruction in physics started being offered in Arizona, California, Wisconsin, and Maryland. These workshops were typically supported by a partnership between a practicing high school physics teacher leader and a university physics or education department.
For more information about the still-existing Master of Natural Science program at Arizona State University, please see the MNS Admissions page for the ASU department of physics.