STEM for Every Student: Diversity and Equity in Modeling Instruction

The American Modeling Teachers Association is committed to the improvement of STEM learning for every student through teacher training that provides equitable access to excellent teaching practices and resources. We believe diversity is at the heart of Modeling Instruction and strive towards classroom communities with rich student-to-student discourse among all class members.  We encourage and value approaches that support equity, inclusion, and social justice where every student participates in building scientific models.

To achieve these goals, we affirm our commitment to:

  • Strive for organizational policies and procedures that support equity, inclusion, and social justice.
  • Broaden the participation of teachers of diverse backgrounds at all levels of the organization.
  • Shape current and future Modeling resources to reflect the diverse educational community (students and teachers) who use them and represent individuals equitably and inclusively.
  • Support instructional strategies that promote equity, inclusion, and social justice within the classroom.
  • Advocate for equitable access to educational opportunities and career possibilities for all students and teachers.

What we mean by key terms:

  • Diversity – range of differences among members of a population or group
  • Social Justice – fair application of laws and opportunities within a diverse population
  • Inclusion – involvement, and empowerment that recognizes the worth and dignity of all people
  • Equity – equal access regardless of differences


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