Location: Online short course
Dates: June 13 – July 8, 2022
Leader: Dr. Mark Lattery
We are excited to announce that the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh is offering a 2-3 credit, fully online, short course called Scientific Modeling and Computation for Teachers this upcoming summer. The dates are June 13 to July 8 (4 weeks). For complete course and registration information, and description of future course offerings, please visit the Next Generation Modeling Courses for Teachers website.
Scientific Modeling and Computation for Teachers is a graduate-level course for practicing physics-teaching professionals (grades 10-12). This NGSS-aligned course combines the Modeling Method of Instruction, Pivot Interactives, and small-group work to provide fun and effective professional development. Scientific Modeling and Computation for Teachers also provides tools and training to teach physics concepts in an online learning environment.