Larry DukerichSenior Fellow

    Larry Dukerich received his B.S. in Chemistry from Michigan State University and his
    Masters of Natural Science from Arizona State University. He taught high school chemistry
    and physics, including regular, honors and AP courses, in Michigan and Arizona for 34
    years. He is currently a Faculty Associate at Arizona State. Since 1995, he has conducted
    numerous summer workshops for physics and chemistry teachers as part of the Modeling
    Instruction Program at ASU, and later at universities in NC, NY, PA, TN, CA and CO. He has
    also conducted chemistry workshops for the Ministry of Education in Singapore. He was a
    Woodrow Wilson Dreyfus Fellow in Chemistry in 1986 and a Presidential Awardee for
    Excellence in Science Teaching in 2000.

    He has served as a consultant for Vernier Science Education since 2008, conducting
    training at sites across the country and authoring two lab manuals. He is a lifetime member
    of the American Modeling Teachers Association. From August to December 2022 he served
    as its Interim Executive Officer and is now a Senior Fellow.

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